Monday 27 April 2009

'Anti-diet' uses simple diet, exercise to change your life

Reported by: Jennifer Harrington
Last Update: 23 Apri 2009

Are you ready to ditch dieting for good? Who isn’t? Then maybe it’s time to go to Plan D.

Dee McCaffrey is the certified diet counselor who created Plan-D: The Amazing Anti-Diet That Will Change Your Life Forever.

She says Plan-D is a comprehensive health plan designed to enable your body to function at its optimal level.

She claims it provides followers with a basic yet solid education in the fundamentals of nutrition, in addition to teaching them what to look for on ingredient lists, how to shop organic on a budget, tips for eating out and traveling, sample menus, and over 50 healthy and delicious recipes.

The plan itself is very detailed, telling readers exactly what and how much to eat each day, with a list of foods and portions sizes in each category.

McCaffrey says what makes her Plan-D different from some of the other diet plans on the market is that its focus is to get people to really value their health now, so that they can improve or avoid degenerative health conditions later.

Its focus is on eating foods in their closest to natural form as possible along with moderate exercise, which she says allows the body to do what it will naturally do-lose weight, get strong, and stay healthy.

The Plan incorporates what McCaffrey calls several all-natural secret weapons that help speed up the body's metabolism and assist in fat burning.

She says the inclusion of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar and extra virgin coconut oil in the daily meals provide not only an increase in calorie burning, but they also help to lower cholesterol, strengthen the immune system, and prevent heart disease and cancers.

There is also an exercise plan with the “anti-diet.” It focuses on stimulating a little-known circulatory system, called the lymphatic system, which McCaffrey claims flushes fat and toxins from our bodies when you jump on a rebounder or walk while swinging our arms rigorously.

She created Plan D to provide ways for you to participate in the care of your own health, and set you on a path of lifelong learning about nutrition and the healing effects of whole foods.

If you have intuitively turned to nutrition as a means to better health, if you want to understand how and why foods affect us, and if you want to learn more about the place of food in the human story-McCaffrey hopes Plan-D will help you.

She believes an understanding of food can lead to increased health and happiness, and has the potential to become a profound catalyst for improving nearly every aspect of your life

ABC - Your Health segment

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